Intonation Workshop '99
ICPhS1999 Satellite Meeting:
Workshop on "Intonation:models and ToBI labeling"

Place: Cathedral Hill Hotel, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

Date and Time of the Workshop: Aug.1 (Sunday) 1999.  8:00am- 6:30pm

Purposes of the meeting:

To learn universal and language specific properties of intonation through the intonation models based on the same framework.  To discuss how to make transcription systems accommodate to corpora with intonational code-switching among dialects or languages in regular contact, and for possibility of adding special-usage tiers for an existing ToBI-framework system.  Finally, to discuss feasibility for building mappings between ToBI and other corpus labelling conventions.

Session 1 is scheduled for groups to present descriptions of  ToBI-like schemes for labelling prosodic structures in other languages besides English, including applications of the framework in fieldwork on little-studied languages.  Session 2 is scheduled for groups to present a comparison of frameworks within one language, discussing on issues such as building mappings among corpora labelled in different transcription systems.  Finally, Session 3 is scheduled for groups to present ways to label varieties within the same language.


Registration (8:00-8:30)

Introduction (8:30-9:00)

"The original ToBI system and the evolution of the ToBI framework"
Mary Beckman, Julia Hirschberg, Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel

Session 1: ToBIs in other languages (9:00-12:30)

German: Ralf Benzmueller and Martine Grice
Japanese: Jennifer Venditti
Serbo-Croatian: Svetlana Godjevac
Coffee Break (10:00-10:20)
Cantonese: Peggy Wong, Marjorie Chan, & Mary Beckman
Korean: Sun-Ah Jun
Mayali: Judith Bishop & Janet Fletcher
Chickasaw: Matt Gordon
Greek: Amalia Arvaniti & Mary Baltazani
Discussion (12:00-12:30)

Lunch (12:30-2:00)

Session 2: Framework comparison within a language (2:00-3:20)

Dutch: Carlos Gussenhoven
French: Jacqueline Vassière et al.
Discussion (3:00-3:20)

Session 3: Varieties within a language (3:20-6:30)

Swedish: Gosta Bruce
Italian: Martine Grice, Michelina Savino, Cinzia Avesani, Mariopaola D'Imperio,
           Barbara Gili Fivela, Giovanna Marotta, & Patrizia Sorianello
Coffee Break (4:20-4:40)
English: Janet Fletcher, Esther Grabe & Paul Warren
Mandarin: Fu-chiang Chou, Chiu-yu Tseng, Shu-hui Peng, Mary Beckman,
           Tsan Huang, & Marjorie Chan

General Discussion (5:40-6:30)


Registration fees for the satellite meeting are US$10.00 for students and US$15 for others.  This will cover the cost of coffee breaks and of renting equipments such as the overhead projector and microphone.  You can register before the workshop by sending a personal check issued by an American bank (payable to Sun-Ah Jun) or a money order to the address given below.  In your mail, please include your name and affiliation. There is no formal registration form.  If you prefer, you can register at the workshop.

Mailing Address:
Sun-Ah Jun
Department of Linguistics
405 Hilgard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543

Anyone interested is welcome to attend, but we ask that you contact us first if you intended.  Groups who have developed a ToBI-like system for a particular language, or groups who have developed special-usage tiers for an existing ToBI-framework system or who have worked on inter-model mappings were invited to present their model if they had contacted us by May 30, 1999.   Now that a workshop schedule is finalized, we cannot invite anyone to present a talk, but anyone who wants to contribute to those discussion sessions or who just wants to attend the workshop should also contact us by July 17 so that we can finalize ordering stuffs.
Mary Beckman Dept of Linguistics, 
Ohio State University, U.S.A 
Janet Fletcher Dept of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, 
University of Melbourne, Australia 
Martine Grice Fachrichtung 8.7 Phonetik, 
Universitaet des Saarlandes, Germany
Julia Hirschberg AT&T, U.S.A
Sun-Ah Jun Dept of Linguistics, UCLA, 
Los Angeles, U.S.A
Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel Speech Comm. Group. Research Laboratory, MIT, U.S.A

Contact person:
Sun-Ah Jun
Dept. of Linguistics, UCLA